Tuesday, August 10, 2010


New York, New York... back in the city, but in a new place with a whole new feeling.

In under a week I am already beginning to understand the major differences between living in a place for a predetermined amount of time with predetermined financial circumstances and moving in and waiting...

I moved into an apartment in East Harlem with my friend, Lindsay and her boyfriend, Cameron. Lindsay has been in Ohio since I arrived in New York and will be returning today. Cameron has been a great roommate so far. He helped my dad and I move an entire car's worth of belongings up three flights of stairs and has been a great conversationalist to have around. That is not even including the wonderful jazz guitar that he plays which is a beautiful juxtaposition to the noises that come from the East of my bedroom. Lindsay comes to the city today and I am very excited to get the kitchen and living room established. I really hope, as far as the apartment goes, this (almost) week has been foreshadowing for the rest of the year.

It should also be noted that my dad graciously drove me and his car worth of my belongings to New York, braving city traffic and summer heat. It's been really nice to have my apartment feel homey so quickly. I have bought a few things: new sheets, mattresses, a bookcase, ect. to fill out the place, but as of yesterday (when my mattress was delivered) things are feeling pretty a.okay.

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