Thursday, December 4, 2008

Treatment of dis-ease through simple, physical means

At the end of The Hug Therapy Book by Kathleen Keating (Anna Jo gave it to me last Christmas-- I highly recommend it) it says the following:

"I want a world where people are respected for
the ease and warmth of their melting...
rather than the strength of their walls."
-Clint Weyand
from My Miracle is You
(Being Books)

The Hug Therapy Book starts out remind us this:
Feels good
Dispels loneliness
Overcomes fears
Opens doors to feelings
Builds self-esteem ("Wow! She actually wants to hug me!")
Fosters altruism ("I can't believe it, but I actually want to hug that old son-of-a-gun!")
Slows down aging; huggers stay younger longer
Helps curb appetite; we eat less when we are nourished by hugs- and when our arms are busy wrapped around others

Eases tension
Fights insomnia
Keeps arm and shoulder muscles in condition
Provides stretching exercise if you are short
Provides stooping exercise if you are tall
Offers a wholesome alternative to promiscuity
Offers a healthy, safe alternative to alcohol and other drug abuse (better hugs than drugs!)
Affirms physical being
Is democratic; anyone is eligible for a hug

Is ecologically sound, does not upset the environment
Is energy-efficient, saves heat
Is portable
Requires no special equipment
Demands no special setting; anyplace from a doorstep to an executive conference room, from a church parlor to a football field, is a fine place for a hug!
Makes happy days happier
Makes impossible days possible
Imparts feelings of belonging
Fills up empty places in our lives
Keeps on working to dispense benefits even after the hug's release

Besides, hugging prevents war.

-Kathleen Keating

I'm a strong promoter of the hug.

While I was searching for images for this entry I came across a lot of pictures of "Free Hugs" signs. I remembered my freshman year when I, multiple times, stood around campus -outside chapel mostly- with my sign. I received hundreds of hugs. It was really nice; although it is harder to hug people with a sign in your hands. One question many people asked, although, not in seriousness, was "do you normally charge for your hugs?". I realize now that perhaps the sign should have been sat outside as a reminder and just said "hug freely".

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